The Importance of Removing Your Curtains and Blinds Before Cleaning Your Windows

The Importance of Removing Your Curtains and Blinds Before Cleaning Your Windows

Having a regular window cleaning schedule is crucial for ensuring that your windows look aesthetically pleasing and are able to allow as much natural light into your home as possible. Clean windows can help to brighten up your space and maximise the lifespan of your glass by preventing the buildup of stubborn stains, dirt and debris. In this post, we examine some of the reasons why it is important to remove your curtains and blinds before cleaning your windows.

Reasons to Remove Curtains and Blinds Before Window Cleaning

There are several important reasons for why you should remove your curtains and blinds before starting on your regular window cleaning routine, including:

Improved Access to the Entire Window Surface

Even when opened, curtains and blinds can still partially obstruct your window surfaces. This might make it harder for you to reach every part of your window and may even result in you missing out certain spots. Removing your curtains and blinds completely before starting on your window cleaning can thus ensure a more thorough result.

Reduced Dust Transfer and Streaking

Curtains and blinds can harbour dust, dirt and other small particles that might result in streaking on your windows. This is especially the case if your curtains or blinds brush up against the window surface immediately after they have just been cleaned or during the process of cleaning. By removing your curtains and blinds before cleaning your windows, you reduce the likelihood of this happening. This can help you achieve a cleaner, streak-free finish.

Improved Access to Window Frames and Sills

By removing your window treatments before cleaning your windows, you also ensure that your window frames and sills are not blocked. This can enable you to clean these harder to reach areas where dirt and moisture might often accumulate. Cleaning these areas can also improve the lifespan of your windows as the likelihood of mould and mildew developing is reduced. In addition, an in-depth and thorough window cleaning can also get rid of dust and other allergens, improving your overall indoor air quality.

Benefits for Your Window Treatments

By removing your curtains and blinds before cleaning your windows, you will also have the opportunity to clean your window treatments at the same time. By washing or dusting your curtains and blinds as part of your window cleaning routine, you will also be able to achieve a cleaner overall look for your windows and your home in general.

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Window Cleaning Online is the number one online supplier and retailer of specialised window cleaning equipment and supplies that are guaranteed to get your windows looking as good as new. Our window cleaning tools are trusted by professional window cleaners and homeowners alike, so you can be sure that you are getting nothing but the best when you shop with us. Visit our online store today to browse our extensive catalogue or leave us a message with any queries you might have!

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