A Basic Guide to Window Cleaning for Allergy Relief

A Basic Guide to Window Cleaning for Allergy Relief

Allergens such as pollen and dust can be very potent in triggering allergies, with the spring and fall months typically having the highest concentrations of pollen in the air. While there may not be much that you can do to reduce the amount of allergens in the air, you can control how much allergens are in your home. In this post, we take a closer look at how regular window cleaning can enable you to achieve some degree of allergy relief at home.

Understanding Allergens and Their Sources

To better manage the allergens in your home, it is important for you to understand what some of the common sources of allergens are. Dust and pollen are two of the most common indoor allergens that most people will encounter at home. Dust can come from many different sources, including dust mites, pet dander and mould spores. On the other hand, pollen tends to come from outside the home and typically originates from trees, flowers and other plants.

How Regular Window Cleaning Can Minimise Allergen Build-up

One of the most common places where allergens can build up is around your windows. When left uncleaned, mould can grow along the window frames where there is high airflow. Moisture from the outside environment may also contribute to greater mould growth if left undisturbed.

At the same time, the windows are typically also the primary source of ventilation in a home. Because of this, outside air that may be carrying pollen might enter your home through your windows. The heavier pollen might then become trapped in the cracks or crevices of your windows, contributing to causing allergies when they are stirred or subsequently dislodged and blown into your home by stronger winds,

Proper Window Cleaning Techniques

To ensure that your window cleaning is effective in helping you minimise allergies, it is important for you to adopt proper window cleaning techniques. An important consideration to take note of is that the type of cleaning solution you use should be allergen friendly. This can help to prevent your allergies from acting up even as you clean your windows.

You can also dust and vacuum your window frames and sills first to remove any dust or debris that might have accumulated over time. In addition, consider using microfibre clothes for wiping down your windows after cleaning them because microfibre cloths tend to be more effective than regular cloths at capturing allergens. This prevents dust and pollen from being kicked up into the air and settling at other locations in your home.

Get Your Window Cleaning Supplies from Window Cleaning Online

Window Cleaning Online is Australia’s number one provider of window cleaning tools and suppliers. We offer a large selection of window cleaning equipment that you can choose from, including specialised window cleaning detergents and solutions, microfibre cloths and water-fed systems. Contact us today for more information or place your order on our website today!

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